Orion's Photos: places - Newfoundland - St_johns - trip

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These are pictures from our trip to St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Orion and Layla Lawlor, and Vincent and Kluane Weibel went there for the 2007 MATE ROV underwater robotics world finals.

6610-6614 are a panorama from the dockside. The last picture has Kluane making a silly face.

6615 is a cool form-line grafitti/urban art project.

6616 is a cow-spotted dairy store downtown. Good ice cream.

6653-6665 are at the Memorial University Institute for Ocean Technology, where some of the robot contest events were held. 6665 shows the little water trough used to level the long wave tank.

6767 shows a giant anchor barely perched atop a semi trailer.

6768-6770 shows a cute little diorama in a lawyer's office window. Note the ambulance-chasing lawyer, car accidents, donut-eating cops, etc.

6773 shows the winged-moose logo of the Quebec trailer company Manac.

6861-6885 show the awesome view from The Rooms, a museum and art gallery in the middle of St. John's.

6887-6888 show the host for the Haunted Hike, a fun little walk-and-talk historical journey disguised as late-night entertainment via a focus on the macabre.

6892-6893 show George Street, a tiny pedestrian-only street that seems to be zoned "pubs-only".

6894-6900 show the creek leading from Logy Bay Road to Quidi Vidi Lake. I like the place names in St. John's.

6929 shows the generic brand carried at Dominion grocery stores "no name (r)". Apparently "no name" is a registered trademark!

6965-7007 show our car trip north, making a circuit of the north peninsula of the island.

7008 and onward show the plane flight out. We were flying to New Jersey, yet we departed heading northwest. Luckily, I was sitting on the left side, and got some good shots of St. John's, or at least the hills around it. Signal Hill and Fort Amherst are clearly visible in the south-facing shots.

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All images taken by Orion Lawlor and placed completely in the public domain.
Converted to HTML on Wed Aug 31 22:26:55 AKDT 2011.
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